Sunday, March 18, 2007

Exam focus

Hi, Kate! You mentioned as a learning direction a high school exit test. Alice had mentioned a common entrance exam. The materials neccessary for these types of assessments would be good tools. I had thought about us helping the students who are more likely to go to the University of Guyana head in that direction. Good ideas. (:


Maia said...

I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for not posting more frequently, life has been very distracting with exams and applications etc. I don't know who best to ask the question to, but I was wondering what the state of HIV/AIDS is like in Guyana and whether or not people think it might be a good idea to address it in our lessons. If people are on board, I'm really interested and I think that we can do some great things. Let me know what you think.

Alice said...

Hi Maia.
There has been a lot of work done locally on HIV/AIDS by volunteer groups passing thru, by the Ministry of Health...But a lot less with other more common STDs, and certainly the whole topic of sexual health and assuming power/responsibility over one's body is a very good one.

Girls here are scoped out and picked out at an early age, often by grown men... They learn early their power to attract but they rarely get the chance to mature enough to transform it into the power to choose... Before they know it they are pregnant and basically trapped in the pre-set pattern of life for women here, which has little influence and no authority over what happens in the world outside their homes.